Műszaki tanulmányokat folytató, esetleg műszaki érdeklődésű és gazdasági tanulmányokat folytató nappali tagozatos hallgatót keresünk, hosszú távra az alábbi feladatok elvégzésére.
A munkakörnyezet angol nyelvű, így erős tárgyalóképes angol nyelvtudás szükséges.
- Support and coordination of technical centres and installers regarding the following points
- Spare part administration with related activities /order, delivery, return/
- conformity documents
- warranty claims (WAS) – Horizon management
- invoices
- Organization and management of trainings
- Support on implementation and follow-up of Panasonic specific procedures and processes and service activities
- Handling of incoming Call Center leads
- Administer and follow-up on contracts with external partners
- Bureaucratic management and support of the technical team
- Administer and maintain information and documents related to the technical service department in the relevant tools and platforms.
- Keep track of costs related to service activities to feedback for the Team Leader or Manager in case of extra cost and required authorizations.
- Participation on service meetings
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